Government Funded Sessions

2 year old funding

At the moment the Government is funding free early education for some 2 year old children. Please contact the local authority to check your eligibility.

3-4 early education

All children in England are entitled to receive a free early education place from the 1 September, 1 January or 1 April following their third birthday.

These sessions can be taken as part of a normal nursery day or can be used solely within the session times. The sessions can be “joined” by booking wrap-around care (to include lunch) between 11.30am and 12.30pm. Our funded sessions take place daily between the hours of 9am – 3pm. In order to discuss your specific requirements, please contact the Nursery Manager.

In order to obtain these sessions parents must complete and return an Early Education Funding Registration Form (available from the office). In order to discuss your specific requirements, please contact the Childcare Manager.

30 hours

The government introduced 30 hours “free” childcare to eligible children in September 2017. It is worth noting that the care isn’t actually free, it is subsidised. The sessions are, however, free to you at the point of entry.

Below are some FAQ’s regarding the offer. If you have questions that are not covered please do contact us and we will do our best to help you.

  • 30hour
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  • 1. What is 30 hours childcare

    A government initiative aimed to help working parents. It is payable for 38 weeks per year (i.e. term time only)

  • 2. Who is eligible to receive this?
    • Parents of children aged 3 or 4
    • Both parents are working or in the event of a lone parent family the sole parent is working for 16 hours per week, earning the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage
    • Households where each parent must have an annual income of less than £100,000
    • Parents of children living in England
    • Eligibility needs to be checked three times per year and this is the responsibility of the parent to check this and provide proof to each childcare provider
  • 3. When does my child receive this?

    Your child, if eligible, starts to receive this the term after their 3rd birthday

  • 4. How does it work at Les Enfants?

    Download the 30-hour offer at Les Enfants document below to find out how it works.

  • 5. Can I split my sessions over more than one setting?

    Yes, you can use more than one provider to claim up to 30 hours – please indicate on the declaration form your intention. Please note that care can be accessed in no more than 2 providers in one day

  • 6. What do I need to do next?
    • Please follow the instructions on the HMRC website to check your eligibility. If eligible, you will receive an eligibility code.
    • Please download and complete Parental Consent Form giving us your Eligibility Code Verification details, along with the Early Education Funding Form indicating your preferred care pattern
  • 7. Where can I get further information?

    Speak to a member of the management team to discuss your requirements and our offer.
    You may find the following websites useful: ;

Download “30 hour offer and parent consent form” Parental-Consent-Form-for-30-Hours-Free-Childcare-v.2NEW.pdf – Downloaded 1822 times – 197.14 KB